tempat suci yahudi bahasa Inggris
- tempat: lieu; locality; location; locus; lodgment; place;
- tempat suci: holy land; inner sanctum; sanctum; shrine
- suci: blameless; candid; chaste; clean; guiltless;
- yahudi: jew; jewish; jewry; jews; yahudi (film); jews and
- Placing notes in the Western Wall refers to the practice of placing slips of paper containing written prayers to God into the cracks of the Western Wall, a Jewish holy site in the Old City of Jerusalem.
Menyelipkan catatan di Tembok Ratapan merujuk kepada praktek menyelipkan potongan kertas berisi doa tertulis kepada Allah di bagian celah-celah Tembok Ratapan, sebuah tempat suci Yahudi di Kota Lama Yerusalem.
Kata lain
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- "tempat sunyi" bahasa Inggris
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